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Six in Six

I published my first novel – The Music Book – in 2014, the year I ran the London Marathon and two years after ending a full-time diplomatic career. I never intended to write more than one. I simply wanted to prove to myself that after years of Foreign Office drafting I was capable of writing something completely different. Six years later I’ve completed my sixth novel – Dark Obsession. Thus, one story each year.

And each book has strong female characters and each a musical thread.

Different genres

The six comprise four genres – historical chronicle (The Herzberg Trilogy); espionage (The Executioner’s House); fantasy (The Lute Player); and now fixation (Dark Obsession). Each of the six books draws not only on my knowledge of history and but also upon my experience of human nature during my diplomatic career. Most of what you want to know about someone can be discovered through observation.

Though the latest book is set in the latter part of 19th century France and Indo-China, its tale possibly has a 21st century resonance in the age of social media, particularly its darker side.